About Tomo

Friday, September 2, 2011

List of Tomo Contributors...soon to be announced!

Thank you for your patience as I carefully read through all the submissions received for Tomo. I am finalizing my decisions, and all authors will be hearing from me soon. This has been a thrilling and enormous challenge, a summer full of reading, and I have enjoyed diving into each story that was sent for consideration. I look forward to announcing the list of contributors very soon.

Holly Thompson
Editor, Tomo Anthology


  1. Is there any chance you'd take a late submission? I only just discovered your blog, and I would love to submit a piece of flash fiction (around 800-1000 words).

  2. Matthew,
    Glad you discovered this blog, but I'm afraid the submission deadline has passed and we are now finalizing the contents. Thank you for your understanding. I hope you'll join us in sharing the news about Tomo.
    Holly Thompson

  3. That's completely understandable. Thanks, Holly.
